Thursday, December 15, 2011

A wish

Going to make this simple :)

Since I was in Ayurveda school, CCA (California College of Ayurveda), I have always wanted to work with my then teacher Debra Riordan (who taught us Ayurveda). There is just something about having guidance in the field that you are not confident in. I am someone who needs close monitoring and somewhat hand holding when it comes to seeing new clients. I tried making a business happen in 2008 by myself, just by seeing clients, but it seemed I lacked confidence. For the longest time I had this expectation of me, that I had to be perfect before I could start a practice of my own. I don't know who put that thought in my head but obviously it has stayed with me for a long time, blocking my journey forward and stopping me from giving back to the society all that I have learned through time. NOT anymore. 

Recently, day before my birthday I received an email from Debra, telling me she had space open in her office for a practitioner to work and collaborate with her, and because of that opportunity, I had popped into her head. Mind you, this is something I have waited for, for years and here my teacher who has been seeing clients for over 11 years reaches out letting me know that she might be interested in having me in her space out in the sunset district. You can only imagine the joy in my heart. I jumped on that opportunity and wrote back immediately expressing my interest in being a part of that journey. 

We met yesterday and it was perfect: seeing her again, the space, the energy, and the opportunity of working under her experience. I always wanted to be her apprentice and learn the ropes and here I was being given the exact opportunity in doing so. Mind you, there were few other experienced therapists waiting for the same position, but lets just say, Universe was kind to me.  As they say, "Timing is everything". This was a wish I have had for a long time. It was perfectly presented to me, after my birthday. :) and of course I said YES

With that said, I will be seeing new clients for Ayurveda, Reiki and Yoga every Monday, so if you know of anyone who is interested in getting their doshas in balance or wants to eat healthy or get healthy; is interested in one on one yoga privates (because going to a class of 20 students might be a bit overwhelming in the beginning), then I am the person to get in touch with. I plan to charge reasonably and am looking forward to giving back to the community what I have learned through years. I hope you will join me in supporting this journey as I move forward with enthusiasm and joy.

Thank You for reading 
With Love