Friday, April 23, 2021

Eat a Rainbow


Eat a Rainbow

Karuna’s dentist advise us to “Eat a rainbow”. In general find fruits and veggies in every different color and make sure to make them a part of your diet throughout the day. I was like, “really? Is this the new fad or something? Eat a Rainbow?” And then of course we start incorporating what pediatric dentist shares and start looking up how to do so successfully. You get the point.

Fast forward few days later, I am trying to go to sleep but am having difficulty doing so, so I start meditating while laying down and it came to me, think of eating a rainbow as if you are feeding your chakras. Rainbow is the same color as your chakras. 

Red is the color of the root chakra, Sanskrit name: Muladhara chakra located at the base of our spine and is also our first chakra. When you eat a tomato or watermelon, tell yourself; here I am feeding my root chakra.

In the similar manner when you eat an orange or carrots, let yourself know; here I am feeding my sacral chakra, Sanskrit name: Swadhishthana chakra located below the belly button and is represented by the color orange.

When eating a banana or a yellow squash tell yourself; here I am feeding my Solar chakra, Sanskrit name: Manipura chakra which is located little above the belly button represented by color yellow and is our 3rd chakra.

When eating greens, may that be avocado or green leafy vegetable; here I am feeding my heart chakra, Sanskrit name: Anahata chakra which is located at the heart center and is the 4th chakra represented by color green.

When eating blueberries or purple potatoes you can say, here I am feeding my throat chakra, Sanskrit name: Vishuddha chakra which is located at our throat and is our 5th chakra represented by color blue.

 And when eating grapes or an eggplant you can say here I am feeding my third eye chakra, Sanskrit name: Ajna chakra which is located in between our eyebrows and is our 6th chakra represented by color purple.

And when we eat raisins or blackberries we can say, here I am feeding my Crown Chakra, Sanskrit name: Sahasrara chakra which is our 7th chakra located above our head represented by color Indigo.

So even if this may be a fad for now, we can have some fun with it. Feed your chakras the rainbow that it truly is. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing about it. For more information on chakras check out