Sunday, November 29, 2020

AHA moment


Today was an AHA moment!!!! After witnessing myself do some yoga postures in my meditation, I decided to follow through and do some yoga stretches after my meditation. “They say” you must see it, BE it before you become it. Well, what better way that acting out what I am envisioning of happening in my meditation, right? So, in meditation I laid out my whole day in front of me. I planned of what it would look like; I witnessed myself eating greens, I figured out what my meals were going to look like…etc. you get the point. But the best part of it was following through. It is great to see it ALL in our mind’s eyes, but then to ACT on it is the most important part of the journey that most of us forget to take.

After a little bit of Yoga stretching, I went to brush. While brushing a voice inside said to me, “Thank Goodness I am not like your daughter. She strictly believes in, if you listen to me then I listen to you mantra. Body is much more forgiving than that, but I do need you to listen to me. You cannot feed a sick child cheeseburger because they are not feeling well and that cheeseburger is only going to end up harming them more than helping them recover. So then why do you eat foods that are harming your system? That are harmful to me? You know you have a sensitive body; then why do you keep feeding it food that makes it weaker?” That was an AHA moment for me. I was like, Holy fuck (sorry for cursing), I have been feeding myself food that my body cannot digest and I keep doing that because it I like it and because it is easy for me. No wonder I am having difficulty healing my Hashimotos Hypothyrodism and Pre-diabetes. I keep eating foods that weaken my immune system. My body needs my help to heal itself. But what if I actually listen to myself; listen to what my body needs for healing, then wouldn’t it in return help me actually heal?...................WOW…. What an mind opening moment.

And then I busted out singing and listening to “Listen” by Beyonce from soundtrack DreamGirls

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Life is about learning......constantly......and then implementing what we have learned. I feel like, I am always learning, but implementing takes a lot longer than I would like it to be. Dont' take me wrong, it happens, and it happens quicker in the beginning, but then keeping it going consistently is a difficult habit for me. Consistently and constantly are the 2 c's I have difficulties with :) I am glad I can laugh about it. 

After loosing mom at 15, I had to learn different things from different people in my lives. For example: I always used a rubber band to tighten all my spice boxes that didn't have a Ziploc already in built. When we lived in Berkeley, I gave cooking classes to our landlords and the way she stored her spices rang true to me. She used to close it with a clothing hanger pin. How cool and creative is that? Now, that may seem something very simple for most of you, but for someone like me, that was a revelation. It looked much more presentable and it didn't crumble up the packet like the rubber band.

I have always enjoyed studying from the world around me than sitting in classes and reading books. Please don't take me wrong, I love listening to books now that they are on tape and I love reading books as well (when my little one gives me time to do just that), but I have always been the one to look at nature for education, to look at the world around me to teach me and to my peers and sisters to educate me and I really like it. I feel like they are invested in teaching me as much as I am invested and interested in learning from them.

So you see my friends, education does not stop after you are done with school or with college. Everyday is a new learning day from the world around you. If we keep ourselves open there is so much new to embrace, learn and implement. So, what did you learn today?

I will start with me. I learned that after my hypothyroidism has been in balance, I am feeling much more than I ever felt before. For example: I used to get acupuncture done before, but never felt it at the level I have been feeling it since my last 2 sessions. Before I felt I was numb to things, now that my thyroid is in balance I feel like my senses of feeling things have returned. I can actually feel the benefits of acupuncture. I can actually feel the chi moving, relaxing me and I LOVE IT. Yay!!!

I hope you have a wonderful day and THANK YOU for reading

Saturday, August 1, 2020

United we stand, divided we fall

Om Saha Navavatu
Saha Nau bhunaktu
Saha viryam karavavahai
Tejasvi navadhitamastu
Ma Vidvisavahai
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih

Above Sanskrit Mantra translates as follows: 

Om, May we all be protected
May we all be nourished
May we work together with great energy
May our intellect be sharpened (may our study be effective)
Let there be no Animosity amongst us
Om, peace (in me), peace (in nature), peace (in divine forces)

I first learned this mantra at Yoga school, Laughing Lotus San Francisco, CA. It was one Mantra that we had to learn by heart, before we began teaching. I certified in 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Vinyasa flow. Back then this Mantra did not resonate a lot with me, back then life was much simpler. 

Today, I am seeing division amongst people and amongst friends regarding COVID - 19 and the information that is being shared. We are being separated by fear (false evidence appearing real). I am choosing to stay away from the nitty- gritty, but I realize I too get caught into the politics of the situation. It is scary. 

In short, I have been repeating this mantra over and over again to help calm the chaos within me, to calm the chaos in my city and to calm the chaos in this world. May we all join me in our free time to help find peace in everything within that we do and everything around us. 


Monday, July 27, 2020

Time to share, time to let go

Time to let go

I have been collecting, gathering information for a long time. It's time to let it all go, or to put it in better words, It's time to share the wealth with the world.

I am Reiki Master, 3 time certified Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic practitioner, chef, a mom, very successful 2 times restaurant owner, a wife and most importantly a unique being of my own.  I was gathering information up until now. And now its time to share.....

why the sudden change, you ask? I was doing some core creating conscious healing "stuff", and I realized how much of what other's thought of my writing blocked me from actually writing; blocked me from actually creating what I love to do, which is writing. How many times we get caught up with "what others will think of my piece" that we actually take away our own happiness by not writing or even publishing what and how we feel.  So now I have chosen to step in my creative self, without attachment of the outcome (a.k.a what other's will think). Plus I have so much to share, it's not fair that I keep it all within. 

I feel like this is a good start. More to share with time. Hugs. Have a wonderful Monday everyone

Sunday, July 26, 2020

What do you love to create?  Christopher Duncan (Google him) asked me that question when I was learning about Magnetic Mind and Conscious Creating. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

He repeated, What do you love to create? Without any expectations. Without any attachments, what would it look like? Images started flowing of me dancing, of me writing again, of me doing yoga again. I had forgotten to create. I had forgotten to create what I love. 

Writing without expectations. I was so focused on what other people would think of my writing that I stopped writing. I write because I love to write and express my feelings. And I am starting to do that again. So, here is to my journey of writing. It does not have to be grandeur, it just has to be me. 

So I now ask you that same question, What do you love to create? Close your eyes and take a deep breathe and see what appears. Once you have that answer, focus on just creating, without any expectations. Do it, because you love it. Create it. Take action. Create what you love, Love what you create.