Sunday, November 29, 2020

AHA moment


Today was an AHA moment!!!! After witnessing myself do some yoga postures in my meditation, I decided to follow through and do some yoga stretches after my meditation. “They say” you must see it, BE it before you become it. Well, what better way that acting out what I am envisioning of happening in my meditation, right? So, in meditation I laid out my whole day in front of me. I planned of what it would look like; I witnessed myself eating greens, I figured out what my meals were going to look like…etc. you get the point. But the best part of it was following through. It is great to see it ALL in our mind’s eyes, but then to ACT on it is the most important part of the journey that most of us forget to take.

After a little bit of Yoga stretching, I went to brush. While brushing a voice inside said to me, “Thank Goodness I am not like your daughter. She strictly believes in, if you listen to me then I listen to you mantra. Body is much more forgiving than that, but I do need you to listen to me. You cannot feed a sick child cheeseburger because they are not feeling well and that cheeseburger is only going to end up harming them more than helping them recover. So then why do you eat foods that are harming your system? That are harmful to me? You know you have a sensitive body; then why do you keep feeding it food that makes it weaker?” That was an AHA moment for me. I was like, Holy fuck (sorry for cursing), I have been feeding myself food that my body cannot digest and I keep doing that because it I like it and because it is easy for me. No wonder I am having difficulty healing my Hashimotos Hypothyrodism and Pre-diabetes. I keep eating foods that weaken my immune system. My body needs my help to heal itself. But what if I actually listen to myself; listen to what my body needs for healing, then wouldn’t it in return help me actually heal?...................WOW…. What an mind opening moment.

And then I busted out singing and listening to “Listen” by Beyonce from soundtrack DreamGirls