Sunday, February 28, 2021

Purusha and Prakriti / Masculine and Feminine / Shiva and Shakti


Image copied from : Nakshatra Arts on Facebook 

All my efforts in my life have been in raising my consciousness. In Hindu culture Consciousness is Purusha/ Shiva. And that is great!!! Raising consciousness is extremely important in this life. that is what takes us towards samadhi/ liberation. Purusha is also compared to as Masculine energy. But what about Prakruti/ nature? Prakruti is compared to as feminine energy. What about this vessel named body that we came in? Consciousness/ Purusha is incomplete without Nature/ Prakruti. Purusha needs prakruti to express itself. And prakruti needs purusha to bring life into her. They are incomplete without each other. Consciousness needs nature to help express itself and nature needs consciousness to elevate itself. It's the yin to the yang. I hope I am not getting too complicated here. 

So, my body is the vessel, is carved out of nature to contain this consciousness / soul to help express itself. And even though I am doing everything in my power to help raise consciousness, it is not enough. Because without raising the vibration of the body/ nature this journey is incomplete. And how many of us do that? WE are either 100% focused on either raising ourselves spiritually or fixated on our body? This journey on this planet requires to raise both the vibrations that of our body and that our soul. One isn't enough. And that I got to remember on one of my walk's. Especially now, when pioneers are on the precipice and are being called to light the way, lightworkers have to be both, spiritual and physically fit. Financially capable and spiritual. It's not just one anymore. It's staying healthy physically and raising our vibration spiritually. 
