Saturday, December 4, 2010


Feels like everyone is reaching a threshold of "living a lie". We all reach that saturation point in our lives of what we can take and what we cannot take anymore. Yes, for the longest time society has dictated of how we should live and conduct our lives and we have done just that to either please our parents, our friends or the society but I feel like the more I talk to all my friends, more they reveal that they too have reached a threshold of where "living a lie" is no longer an option. and the awakening is happening at a "mass" awareness. We all are waking up and saying, "we no longer can live this lie anymore". and guess what??? we should NOT have to, in the first place, could that be in your job, in your relationship or in your friendship. Its time for us and our generation to change the world we live in. Let's bring awareness not only in our actions and the way we think but also in the way we live our lives.

Want to share something: I dreamt about Krishna few days ago. It was an absolutely beautiful dream. Krishna appeared and said, "Falguni, I could not be Ram (Indian God) in Tretayug (Era/ Time Period), I was Ram in Satyug (Era/ Time Period) and I could be him only in that Yug (Era), during that time zone, but in Tretayug, I had to be someone different, I had to be Krishna (Indian God). What do I mean by that? That In Satyug, I was honest, super dedicated and the King that everyone loved but that era, that period no longer existed, thousands of years later, Tretayug showed up and I had to come back to Earth and when I did I came as Krishna, someone completely different than Ram. If I can move and change and be someone else through time and different eras then why can't you and your generation. If I left behind old ways of being when I left Satyug then why can't you leave old way's of being from Tretayug to Kalyug (Era that we live in now)????. After all, you now reside in Kalyug and it is a whole different time period. Why would you want to drag yourself through another thousand years living old way, that no longer serves purpose to who you are now, in Kalyug. If I changed through time then why can't you and your generation change through time?
I asked Krishna, well we need you to help us make that change. When are you coming back to Earth again? He said, he is not coming as ONE person anymore. His answer was, "I came as Buddha, but you made me a religion, I came as Jesus but then too you made me a religion. I was about Unconditional Love and you misunderstood and made me a religion. No longer will one man serve the purpose anymore. You need to wake up in masses. This awareness needs to be brought within every living human soul. I am no longer coming to Earth as one man, I have distributed myself in millions of people world wide and am showing up everywhere as light workers. It is going to take ALL of you to wake up, to see the God within each one of you. There are light workers everywhere on this planet and when you see the light within you, you pass that torch to another being so that you can light them up as well and so that they too can see the light within them, stand their ground and speak their soul's truth. That is your job. You are a light worker and you are my light. You are no longer alone. So go and light up everyone around you until everyone wakes up and see their true purpose on this planet....."

Truth: no matter how difficult and hard it may be, surfaces and reveals itself through time. Its like trying to drown a wooden block under the water. It does not sink no matter how hard we try. In the same way, truth reveals itself in time....

We all are waking up, we all are reaching our threshold of living a lie, we all are realizing that life does not serve purpose "living according to the society" anymore, but instead living according to the "soul" within. What is right? What is wrong? What works for you does not work for me and just cause it does not work for me that does not mean you are right and I am wrong. Matters of heart verses matters of mind. I am learning and I have had to the learn the most difficult lesson in my life lately, "There is no right and there is no wrong. It just is what it is". I also have had to surrender to, "In the matters of the heart, head does not help. I have to put my Ego on the side and let Love guide the way". Ishwara Pranidhanam (Surrender to the Creator)

Love and Light Allways