Sunday, January 2, 2022

Expressing Anger can be healthy and healing


PS: I don't have a picture of me expressing my anger, so instead I am posting what I created recently with my kiddo :) which is me resting on the grass, looking at the sky roll by. As the river flows nearby.

When was the last time you allowed yourself to express your anger? Since I was a child suppressing anger instead of expressing it was the most common cultural thing to do. I remember being a good girl if I kept my mouth shut instead of saying what I truly felt. And I feel like nothing much has truly changed since then. I haven't allowed or given myself the permission to express anger because that would mean I'm not a good girl. That would mean I'm misbehaving. That would mean I'm going against the society rule of what a good girl should be doing. Suppressing that anger or not even allowing yourself to feel any anger is something I've trained myself to do for a very long time. And now I feel like it is showing up in my world more and more knocking on my door asking me to express what frustrates me asking me to express how I'm truly feeling asking me to express my true nature instead of suppressing it with sugarcoats and sweetness. How many of us do this? how many of us suppress our inner voice of wanting to scream on top of their lungs expressing how we feel but we don't allow ourselves to because that means we're not a good girl or a good boy? Anger is not a bad emotion anger gets a bad Rep because when expressed it can hurt the other person and when expressed it can come out in violence, but if you go to the roots of where it starts from not being able to speak your truth and then bottling it up, and again bottling it up, and then again bottling it up.

Anger expressed in a controlled manner is so healthy for every single one of us. For example, anger expressed in a kickboxing class or anger expressed in a boxing class or anger expressed in a shooting range or anger expressed at a golf course (of course on the ball) or anger expressed at one of those furniture breaking places. And as I write this, I feel that permission needs to be given to every little child every little girl every little boy to recognize that anger is OK, and it is OK to express that emotion in a controlled space. What do you think about this?

In Ayurveda and in Chinese medicine (please correct me if I am wrong) but your seat of anger in your body is the liver. When you catch yourself getting angry for small reasons or no reasons, it is mostly because liver is overloaded with toxins, and it needs to go through either a cleanse and/or expression of anger. And what better way to do so than by eating healthier foods, especially apples. Apples, beet roots, carrots are some great fruits and vegetables for the liver. Even making a juice out of that trio is delicious and nurturing to our liver and healing. So, if you are anything like me or if you have suppressed your anger / your true nature, now is a good time to look at your life. Beginning of the new year, give yourself permission to feel those feelings and if need be, find a space where you can express that anger in a controlled manner. I actually started boxing lately and it really helps me harness those feelings and emotions and focus on directing it on the sandbag in front of me. Let 2022 be an authentic year for you, and for me. Happy New Year everyone.